A quick, fun post today. Regular reader of Sabine's Organic Baby Food Blog will know that I am passionate about re-using and recycling materials. And of course, all customers will see that I always try to recycle packing materials when Ulula sends out orders.
I am always curious as to just how much of what we send out goes on to be recycled once finished with. For example, do customers recycle the packaging that our baby foods come in? I recently came across the amazing picture below showing just how inventive people can be when it comes to recycling baby food jars. Yes, it really is a chandelier made with baby food jars! Apparently it is practically all made from recycled materials and cost just a few pounds to make.
[caption id="attachment_471" align="aligncenter" width="425" caption="Baby food jar chandelier"]

Of course not everyone, myself included, is creative enough or has the skills, materials or even inclination to make a chandelier from baby food jars!
I have, though, come across some other, more down to earth, suggestions. How about using the baby food jars as containers for dried herbs in the kitchen? Or as paint pots for older children?
Do you just put your empty organic baby food jars in the recycle bin, or are you a little more creative with them? Share your thoughts and ideas.